Saturday, July 10, 2010

Memphis for the 4th!

Josh & I were fortunate enough to spend the 4th of July weekend with both sets of parents as well as my Mamaw & Papaw, Birdie & Orvil, Brad & Natalie, and of course DAKOTA! We had such a great time and loved being with everyone during the holiday weekend! Thank you so much for having us Brad, Natalie, Dakota! Thank you Mom & Daddy for bringing Mamaw & Papaw! Thank you Jimmy, Darlene, Birdie, & Orvil for spending the week before with us in Arkansas! We love each & every one of you!!

Josh, Brad, Natalie, & I went on a double date to the drive in theater in Memphis! It was so much fun! Because I love my beautiful pregnant sister in law I won't put her picture up--as requested! :)

Playing with Dakota in her new playground

Josh, Brad, & I went kayaking on the Mississippi River. Before we actually got going...I fell into the river..which I am so glad now because Dakota is STILL getting a laugh at it!

Both families went on a cruise boat on the Mississippi River. We learned about the culture of Memphis as well as history about the city and the River.

We love our niece!! Here we are before we went to eat at the Bar-B-Que shop.

Josh & I gave Mom & Daddy their first experience on Beale Street. It was quite an experience let me tell ya!

These guys were flipping all down Beale Street. It was amazing!

Sunday afternoon

The house we stayed in on the island.

Dakota loves her Uncle Josh and Josh absolutely adores Dakota. We took her down to the Mississippi River to see the "boats".

Since my parents rented a home on Mud Island we all got together for a cookout! It was so nice to have both families together for the holiday weekend. This picture of Momma cracks me up!

Waiting for the fireworks...they didn't come but we had fun waiting for them!

Josh & I took my parents & grandparents to see the Ducks at the Peabody hotel. These ducks walk a red carpet from the elevator into the fountain at 11 am every day and walk out on the red carpet into the elevator to their home on the roof every day at 5 p.m.! It is definitely something to see! This morning the ducks RAN into the fountain so I couldn't get a picture fast enough!